Artwork Status - Community Collection
An Artwork Status that identifies artworks that are part of a 'community collection,' 'cultural collection' or 'cultural fund' i.e instead of being marked Artist Stock etc
Added under Consignment Menu, works like Consignment but removes works from the ability to be sold or consigned.
Kate O'Hara commented
It would be good to have the option for the work to be sold to the community collection and then it's status to be 'collection' with in the SAM system. Keeping it within SAM for auditing purposes or loans to other institutions.
Adminsam (Admin, Desart) commented
This would create a drop down for 'Add Collection' you would then add your collection details in this and then add your list of artworks. This would create a status for all artworks that are added as 'Collection' ensuring they are not able to be added to consignments or sold. You can then add or edit your collection list of artworks.
Anonymous commented
We have a lot of artworks that are collaborative pieces
Adminsam (Admin, Desart) commented
Hi Anonymous,
Most art centres consign the artworks that are a part of a community or cultural collection to a customer named 'community or cultural collection'. This way you ensure that the artwork is not so easily sold. However we will take your feedback into account as we further develop SAM. Cheers Bron