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Add Collaboration

Add artwork collaboration

Tip: We recommend adding collaboration works by cataloguing the work repeatedly for each artist participant and adding a defining letter at the end of the same catalogue number
  1. Go to: [Catalogue] > select [Add Artwork/Add Artwork (Medium)]  
  2. Click [+] at the bottom left of the grid to enter a new artwork
  3. Type at least three letters to search artist names – then select
  4. Leave (or amend) catalogue number (SAM will recall last number used)
  5. Select category
  6. Either type at least three letters to search Sizes – then select, or add your own (not recommended with Price manager)
  7. Check [Purchase] – if the art centre is to buy the work from the artist
    • If purchasing then enter a purchase price after checking [Purchase] box
  8. Enter a sale amount (SalesFactor of 1 price)
  9. Then enter Title and Story details, these are editable here
  10. Web active[Web] if work is to go online (sale amount must be entered)
  11. Insert image: click [+], browse, select, edit and add image, wait
  12. Click [Save] – this means that the data is secure – but that the works are not active yet
  13. Click the [C] icon at the end of the line.
    1. Enter the total sale price of the work
    2. The first artists will already be in the list, add the other artists of the collaboration
    3. For each artist enter the percentage of the work done eg. 40% = 0.4
    4. Click [OK]. This will add the extra artists for you and then auto save to draft
  14. Click [Activate] when you are ready for these works to be available in SAM

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