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Collection help

Includes: Adding, editing, printing and email Collection.

Add new Collection

  1. Go to: [Consign], select [Add Collection]
  2. Enter a name, description and location for the collection
  3. Click [+] at the bottom left of the grid
  4. Type in catalogue number (minimum of three characters to search)
    (Please note: To add items to a collection, their status must be Artist Stock or Art Centre Stock. Items that are Sold cannot be added.)
  5. Click [Save]

Edit Collection

  1. Go to: [Search], select [Search Collection]
  2. Select a collection name by scrolling through the list, or search (enter a minimum of 3 letters and then hit [Enter]) in the ‘Search’ window – then select the collection (or further refine the search)
  3. Click [Edit]
  4. Modify any of the sale details
  5. Once edit has been completed, click [Save]

Print and email Collection

  1. This can be done after any [Save] action, otherwise
  2. Go to: [Search], select [Search Collection]
  3. Select a collection name by scrolling through the list, or search (enter a minimum of 3 letters and then hit [Enter]) in the ‘Search’ window – then select the collection (or further refine the search)
  4. Click [Edit]
  5. Select the required report
  6. Once loaded, hit [Print] or save in the required report

Supporting Artwork Documentation

If you have documentation - such as condition reports or old certificates for artworks - you can add this to the artwork information page. An Excel, PDF, Word or JPG (up to 5MB) can be attached.

See Adding Documents to Artwork information for step by step instructions.

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